ICVerify and Windows 7
I had intended to put this topic on my previous ICVerify post, but I felt it needed its own entry.
Getting ICVerify (I was using v4) to work on Windows 7 is pretty simple.
When I first installed it, the program would fatal error when the program called the receipt printer.
However, the solution is NOT reinstalling.
- Just go into the folder where ICverify.exe resides and Right click on ICVerify.exe.
- Go to properties
- Go to the Compatibility tab
- Check “Run this program compatibility mode for:” Windows XP SP3
- Also, check “Run this program as administrator.”
From there everything should cooperate.
Another user is already logged on Error
If ICVerify crashes and you cannot log back in because you get an error message stating that the user name you are loggin in as is already loged in, don’t panic. This is also an easy, quick fix.
- Open the ICVerify User Manager. Log in.
- Go to the Log On Tab
- Select the option that is not User manager from the drop down box.
- You should see your user ID showing as logged in.
- Select that line, then click the log out button.
You should now be able to log back in.
Hope that helps. Do you have any tips or tricks for this program you would like to share? Please comment if so.
This was originally publish on my tech blog Priceless Geek.
Technorati Tags: already logged in,already logged on,ICVerify,Windows xp,Windows 7,error,receipt printer,beavmetal,solution,unincorporated minds,priceless geek,big2buff,User Manager,compatibility mode,run as,administrator,user error
Windows Live Tags: already logged in,already logged on,ICVerify,Windows xp,Windows 7,error,receipt printer,beavmetal,solution,unincorporated minds,priceless geek,big2buff,User Manager,compatibility mode,run as,administrator,user error
WordPress Tags: already logged in,already logged on,ICVerify,Windows xp,Windows 7,error,receipt printer,beavmetal,solution,unincorporated minds,priceless geek,big2buff,User Manager,compatibility mode,run as,administrator,user error
Blogger Labels: already logged in,already logged on,ICVerify,Windows xp,Windows 7,error,receipt printer,beavmetal,solution,unincorporated minds,priceless geek,big2buff,User Manager,compatibility mode,run as,administrator,user error
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