won't let me buy 2 phones even though the service provider has approved me and I have the money
This is my letter to's Executive customer service email line ( It has been a long day of dealing with uncaring folk on the phone. This letter outlines my plight.
Hello,I certainly hope that I can get this resolved. I will update this with the results (or lack thereof).
I am writing you as a last resort. I have had a horendous experience with Amazon and Sprint today.
I placed my original order 103-5789548-06xxxxx at around 11am 10-25-10. Shortly after, I received an email stating I needed to call Sprint. I called Sprint to get credit approval. I was approved for the phones and was Sprint would notify Amazon of my approval. Sprint made an error and informe Sprint I had a previous account.
I have not ever been a Sprint customer. At this rate, I never will be. In 2008, I did attempt to purchase a cell phone from them. I canceled the order after they wanted an insane amount as a deposit. I called Sprint to get this sorted out. They say that I am a new customer and the agent shouldn't have appened my new account to that old account from the canceled order. Sprint confirms that I am approved for the phones.
I have spoken to about 14 different Amazon employees about this. I have had it escalated. Amazon has canceled the order. I am informed there is no way to reverse this. I have tried to climb the authority ladder on the phone, but came to dead ends. One customer service agent even told me that there was no one higher than him. Even though he admitted he was not the CEO. He informed me that as far as I am to be concerned, he is the most important person at Amazon and what he says is final. His name was John B. out of a call center in Huntington, VA. He suggested I just re-order the phones.
I explained that I cannot just reorder the phones. To qualify for the price on, I must be a new customer to Sprint. Since Amazon opens an account in my name with Sprint to get approval for the service plan, I am now a customer with Sprint. Sprint shows that the order for the phones is complete. Sprint cannot cancel a 3rd Party order. There is an obvious disconnect between Sprint and Amazon.
I tested my luck anyway. I tried to reorder the phones. Sprint customer service informed me that they approved the phones, but that due to a system glitch I may be rejected anyway. That order number is 103-8844314-372xxxx. I was rejected as the Sprint warned. Amazon canceled that order too.
So here I am, ready and willing to give Amazon $xxx and Sprint over $xxx/month, but I still cannot complete the order due to computer glitches. I cannot get a customer service agent that understand customer service or solving a problem outside a script.
I have never had any problems with before. I am even a seller on However, after this experience, I am about to swear off both Sprint and Amazon.
Please help me solve this problem.
Mike Brooks
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